Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just in

Finally took some photos..I really do not like getting my picture taken...and will also take one in the fab new dress!
Until then, thought this was a lovely shot of the dress itself. Seriously, would NEVER have tried this on before.

An Endorsement and I missed you guys!

The last 2 weeks have been such a blur and again give credit to all of you who are PCP'ing while juggling other life commitments. Over the last few weeks, as I went back to work after a summer with the girls, fitting all my PCP to dos in was a bit tough. The one that really got let go was my typical every other day blog post.

There have been a bunch of posts in my mind, and tons to share. But one that keeps coming back to me. Seriously think, all women a few months after they give birth should find their way to Patrick and the PCP program.
It is a funny thing, the community of women and the massive number of places you can go for information. As someone who has always sort of enjoyed things as they came, I found much of what people said to be a bit different for me. ( and felt quite lucky as a result ) Don't get me wrong, I love the connections that we've all made over the last year or so, first as a woman trying to concieve, then as an IVF patient for a brief time, next as a pregnant woman and someone who knew they were having twins, and then finally as a new mom.
As we connected with folks, there were a few questions and comments that were heard quite often and most of all, I thought that the sleep deprivation would do me in...

So, fast forward, some how I find out about Patrick and the PCP program. As you know, following a woman I am inspired by and learn from on Twitter of all places.
And, yes over the last few months have been incredibly thankful for the first time in my life to view eating, excercising and reflecting as one of the most important responsibilities I have to myself and my family.

You see, as a new parent, there is so much you experience that makes this program so incredibly rich.
A huge change in your world, and a desire to teach and impart in your children a feeling that they can do anything. A desire to show them to love learning, and be a student of life and the world. A hope that you will one day, when you realize how quickly is already going by, be around to hold their grandchildren and be by their side in the hospital ( or at home ) on that amazing day.
A realization that you will need more physical strength and mental clarity as you go about this job of parenting. That despite getting less then 6 hours of sleep on average, that you want to make each day the best it can be.
That as a woman, you have now done what your body was designed to do all these years, and that it is the same body that in a way you took for granted or ignored. That feeding it truly, healthy things actually is FAR more desirable and rewarding then said evening ice cream habit.
Each morning, waking up in the early morning hours, and doing the routine is a way to start the day with something just for you. That as you surprise your self with your strength and commitment, that your own ideas about what and how you want to spend your time become incredibly clear and peaceful.
And, that last but not least, there is the vanity piece. That so, has everything else changed, truly all just becoming sharper, richer, deeper, so has what you want to wear.
That being in shape and physically strong is an amazing present to give yourself at a time where many just plod along. There are so many people who have said to me " I barely left the house for 6 months" or " I could not do anything except take care of the baby and sleep " and I wish they too had known about this program.
As people stop and admire the girls as we go about town, they often follow up with " you look great " I think most often, they are looking into my eyes, and see a sense of life. As a quickly reply ( I am not good at taking compliments yet ) I'm doing this program, and spill some of the details, I realize how lucky I was to have found this.
In the early days-it helped give a structure to the day, something for only me to accomplish and do, an amazing amount of energy, a sense of clarity about how I wanted the girls and all our kids to grow up, and now the ability to change my wardrobe! ( For a new mom, that is actually sort of important! )

So, I say to all of you new parents out there...find a way. You will be amazed...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The power of routine

So, feeling really good, though the new work routine is a little tough. Sounds silly, as you all have been figuring out how to PCP , work and live life for the last weeks..Who am I to say that it is a bit hard.
With the girls waking up at unpredictable times, I was so releived when Patrick sent the email about trying our jumping rope in the early morning. Not because I have been able to pull that off yet, but because he also said, we could split our strength and cardio. That has made the last 2 weeks possible.

In the early morning-strenght training -cause it could be anywhere from 4-5 am and then at the end jump jump jump. Have subbed a good walk/jog more then perhaps I should so this week trying to get back to jumping. Miss it actually.

We are going to a dear friends wedding today-indulgence 2 came at the perfect time. More importantly though-I tried on, and bought a dress that someone suggested and one that I would NEVER have worn. But alas, I can say I feel strong, and different, and yes am starting to dress that part a bit...
I must take a new picture..I can see but more importantly FEEL the changes.
Have a great weekend. Its 4:47 am on a Sat, and woke up early to PCP before we go..

Sunday, September 13, 2009

good to be back

Had a few off days this week-was my first week back at work, we had a nanny start, a board meeting and asst other good 'excuses' and there were a lot of things going on that were a bit more then the norm. Missed my workout 2 x this week, and did indulge in a glass of wine and did not feel good mentally or physically as a result.
I realized this morning, this is not an option. Think I avoided posting because I did not want to admit to myself I did not do what I really wanted cause it was hard. Funny enough, it was this whole program that gave me the mental clarity to handle all of that stuff week, and truly have an amazing week. So why I ask???
Strength training complete, head in the right place and feeling good.
Off to jump-just needed to fess up first

hope you are all having a great weekend

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


A simple post, and yet a meaningful one.
Here are some of the reasons I PCP.
Our two beautiful daughters and knowing that I want to make sure I can experience everything with them...Climb the highest mountain, go for long walks and talks, bike ride around the neighborhood and be a role model for an active life. Have the same hopes and dreams for all of our kids, and know that there is so much in life to try, and learn...
Little miss evelyn keller williams on the left and emma grace williams on the right. 4 months old...

True love.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A lovely start to week 6

a lovely start to week 6, and the labor day weekend.
Not sure that I did the Pistol Squat right, but they were tough as can be.
1400 jumps, and the line up right after at the end of a glorious and simple day.

As planned
-Had a great walk and time with a friend on Friday afternoon
-Hung out with the Mr and the girls on Saturday morning and late afternoon
-Got clear again on some life priorities and staying true to who we are and how we want to live
-worked on decorating/finishing our office at home
-worked on finishing the decorating details for the kids rooms. Should be finished by next weekend!
-Remembered why I love the farmers market so after a trip ( never again..) to Whole Foods.
( needed greek yogurt...should have gone to trader joe's )
-Connected with two old friends and one VERY dear one...

Now, on this glorious Sunday morning ( after a mixed night of sleep ) ready for coffee, the NYT and then a call to my dad.

Have a fantastic day.

A friend had this posted and I wanted to share.

If you make it a way of life never to hurt others,then in your presence all conflict comes to an end.
Ahinsa pratishthayam tat
sannidhau vaira tyagah.
I love this...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy to report

Happy to report, I checked back into PCP land.
When one feels crappy-easy to remember how good one feels on this program.
Did everything yesterday morning-and since it was so hot, brought the strength part inside.

After eating everything on schedule, this morning, feel glorious in every way.

It is so much cooler today and the begining of a holiday weekend...Here is what I am looking forward to:

-Taking a long walk with the girls and a friend this afternoon
-Jumping towards the end of the day as dusk settles
-Curling up with some Sept magazines
-Feeling lucky that the girls are 4 months old today
-Rembering that I have choices and I get to make them EVERYWHERE in my life and in OUR life together
-My favorite farmers market on Sat am
-A super long weekend with the Mr. and the girls
-Finishing decorating the kids room
-Finishing the office decorating project
-Taking and posting a new photo...I can see the changes :)

Have a great holiday weekend...PCP Style

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Last nights slip

Had a great day yesterday-but somehow mid day found myself a bit crabby and frustrated. Think there were likely a variety of reasons, including one obvious one, and by the end of the day at dinner was seriously craving a glass of red wine. I am sure it was a desire to relax, push away some of the things that perhaps I did not want to think about, and a mild "&*()" response.

needless to say, the Mr. and I opened a bottle of wine, and yes, I enjoyed a glass.
I had done all of my exercises in the morning. Ate a ton of egg whites and the like but was tripped up as at lunch-I had planned to take the kids to a "first day of school" lunch at a certain place I knew I could order in PCP style, and alas, the choose a different place. No doubt the combo of fewer gs then I likely need post routine and my hormonal state caused the desire for the wine.

Needless to say-what was lovely at the time last night was not so lovely during the evening or this am. I look different, feel different, and really needed none of it. Another indulgence would likely have been more enjoyable and better for me.
So-back I PCP land.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am clearly not consuming all my gs. and need some help with ideas!
Breakfast is great, except for my veggie struggle. Not that hard, just need to do.
Somehow, really craving yogurt and FRUIT..not yogurt and veggies. Help.
Snacks clearly need to be prepped and organized in the am
While I love the dinner, my evening snack is throwing me off as well.

So the questions
-What does everyone else make for breakfast?
-Do you just drink the milk straight?
-Any ideas for the PM snack

All in all SHOCKED that I am not craving crap food-which is great-just struggling with the mix.

Starting tomorrow as well...following a more clear time plan which should help and allowing my prep time in the am. My challenge is that each morning begins at a different time, with the girls waking and ready to eat. Since they are still getting up during the night, multiple times, that might mean I would stay up at their last feeding...
Perhaps in the next few weeks, as they likely have just one night feeding, that would be more realistic.
By the end of this week-I need to come up with a bit more of a schedule ( something I actually like doing ) as I also return to work next Tuesday!!!

thinking about reading some of the other PCP ers that are young moms to get some tips.

More later, done with 1350 jumps-need to do the rest of my strength exercises...