Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am clearly not consuming all my gs. and need some help with ideas!
Breakfast is great, except for my veggie struggle. Not that hard, just need to do.
Somehow, really craving yogurt and FRUIT..not yogurt and veggies. Help.
Snacks clearly need to be prepped and organized in the am
While I love the dinner, my evening snack is throwing me off as well.

So the questions
-What does everyone else make for breakfast?
-Do you just drink the milk straight?
-Any ideas for the PM snack

All in all SHOCKED that I am not craving crap food-which is great-just struggling with the mix.

Starting tomorrow as well...following a more clear time plan which should help and allowing my prep time in the am. My challenge is that each morning begins at a different time, with the girls waking and ready to eat. Since they are still getting up during the night, multiple times, that might mean I would stay up at their last feeding...
Perhaps in the next few weeks, as they likely have just one night feeding, that would be more realistic.
By the end of this week-I need to come up with a bit more of a schedule ( something I actually like doing ) as I also return to work next Tuesday!!!

thinking about reading some of the other PCP ers that are young moms to get some tips.

More later, done with 1350 jumps-need to do the rest of my strength exercises...


  1. Hey Amy, those beets were great, thanks! For the PM snack I usually have a plum or nectarine with my milk. For breakfast I have a whole grain cereal with the milk over it and now a little honey too. My cheat veggies in the morning are baby carrots.

    My question to you is, what do you do for meat? I am beginning to hate boiled chicken, wild caught salmon is expensive (9 dollars for two fillets), and I am not sure of other lean meats... I tried cod but it was nasty.

  2. Have I got ideas!

    For breakfast, try a "Patrick Sandwich" -- just put your veggies and fried egg between some toasted bread. Top it with a little mustard or other condiment. This is absolutely yummy!

    I usually drink my milk by itself, but as a treat I mix it with Chai tea. Celestial Seasonings makes a number of great Chai Spice teas. Just make a cup of tea, add some milk to it, and a little bit of honey. Very tasty!

    As for you, Jessica: boiled chicken?!? Oh honey! I need to get you some broiling, roasting, and grilling ideas!

    Well, I know what my next post is going to be about...

  3. Thank you!!!
    Ok, for protein I do the following
    -Costco has huge fresh wild salmon fillets for like 9.00 and though not sure the exact weight, we cook on Sunday and that is my protein for the first 3 days...sometimes on its own w/stemed veggies or tossed in a salad of greens, tomatoe and grilled asparagus. May add fresh corn/a bit of avocado.
    -Frozen shrimp-Our market and Costco have huge bags of frozen shrimp-which all shrimp has been. Also about 10-12 bucks and probably a week or more of protein
    -Lastly, buy fresh chicken breast but also have foster farms frozen grilled chicken strips...you can cook them in a jiff and add to anything. For lunch I love a wrap w/fresh basil, tomatoes and a bit of avocado. Seriously delicous.
    Also got these at costco so the bag is huge...

    the shrimp and chicken are great to have in the freezer for ANY time...and really good value
