Saturday, September 19, 2009

The power of routine

So, feeling really good, though the new work routine is a little tough. Sounds silly, as you all have been figuring out how to PCP , work and live life for the last weeks..Who am I to say that it is a bit hard.
With the girls waking up at unpredictable times, I was so releived when Patrick sent the email about trying our jumping rope in the early morning. Not because I have been able to pull that off yet, but because he also said, we could split our strength and cardio. That has made the last 2 weeks possible.

In the early morning-strenght training -cause it could be anywhere from 4-5 am and then at the end jump jump jump. Have subbed a good walk/jog more then perhaps I should so this week trying to get back to jumping. Miss it actually.

We are going to a dear friends wedding today-indulgence 2 came at the perfect time. More importantly though-I tried on, and bought a dress that someone suggested and one that I would NEVER have worn. But alas, I can say I feel strong, and different, and yes am starting to dress that part a bit...
I must take a new picture..I can see but more importantly FEEL the changes.
Have a great weekend. Its 4:47 am on a Sat, and woke up early to PCP before we go..


  1. Fun times! Have a good time at the wedding, choose something yummy for indulgence...

  2. Ooh let's see you in that dress! Maybe I watch too much Project Runway or teach too much yoga but I get so excited about seeing people clothed these days!
