Thursday, September 3, 2009

Last nights slip

Had a great day yesterday-but somehow mid day found myself a bit crabby and frustrated. Think there were likely a variety of reasons, including one obvious one, and by the end of the day at dinner was seriously craving a glass of red wine. I am sure it was a desire to relax, push away some of the things that perhaps I did not want to think about, and a mild "&*()" response.

needless to say, the Mr. and I opened a bottle of wine, and yes, I enjoyed a glass.
I had done all of my exercises in the morning. Ate a ton of egg whites and the like but was tripped up as at lunch-I had planned to take the kids to a "first day of school" lunch at a certain place I knew I could order in PCP style, and alas, the choose a different place. No doubt the combo of fewer gs then I likely need post routine and my hormonal state caused the desire for the wine.

Needless to say-what was lovely at the time last night was not so lovely during the evening or this am. I look different, feel different, and really needed none of it. Another indulgence would likely have been more enjoyable and better for me.
So-back I PCP land.

1 comment:

  1. I've found this same thing to be true. If you let one thing slide, like a little something sweet after lunch, then it becomes easier to let something else slide, like a glass of wine after dinner, because, hey, you've already messed up your record for the day right? It's much easier just to keep the slate clean.

    Remember, you can drink as much wine as you want in just 54 days! That's nothing!
