Sunday, September 13, 2009

good to be back

Had a few off days this week-was my first week back at work, we had a nanny start, a board meeting and asst other good 'excuses' and there were a lot of things going on that were a bit more then the norm. Missed my workout 2 x this week, and did indulge in a glass of wine and did not feel good mentally or physically as a result.
I realized this morning, this is not an option. Think I avoided posting because I did not want to admit to myself I did not do what I really wanted cause it was hard. Funny enough, it was this whole program that gave me the mental clarity to handle all of that stuff week, and truly have an amazing week. So why I ask???
Strength training complete, head in the right place and feeling good.
Off to jump-just needed to fess up first

hope you are all having a great weekend


  1. It's always better to share, warts and all. I always tell people what's important isn't that you had a glass of wine, it's that you thought about the choice before and after making it.

    That's alone is more than 90% of people are doing!

  2. I has 1/10th of a bottle of beer yesterday before I realized I didn't really want it and that I would regret it later. These things happen, you're doing great.

  3. I missed one more day of workout this Tuesday. Tried my best but circumstances were so that couldn't really help it and it was difficult yesterday to get myself going. These things happen but the important thing is to get back on track.

  4. Keep plugging along, Amy, you rock! Keep posting a lot too, it makes me happy to see your posts!
