Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy to report

Happy to report, I checked back into PCP land.
When one feels crappy-easy to remember how good one feels on this program.
Did everything yesterday morning-and since it was so hot, brought the strength part inside.

After eating everything on schedule, this morning, feel glorious in every way.

It is so much cooler today and the begining of a holiday weekend...Here is what I am looking forward to:

-Taking a long walk with the girls and a friend this afternoon
-Jumping towards the end of the day as dusk settles
-Curling up with some Sept magazines
-Feeling lucky that the girls are 4 months old today
-Rembering that I have choices and I get to make them EVERYWHERE in my life and in OUR life together
-My favorite farmers market on Sat am
-A super long weekend with the Mr. and the girls
-Finishing decorating the kids room
-Finishing the office decorating project
-Taking and posting a new photo...I can see the changes :)

Have a great holiday weekend...PCP Style


  1. Great! It's so true, when you hit all your grams and all your reps you feel so good.

  2. Mmm...farmer's market. What do you usually buy there? I have to thank you...I am now eating delicious shrimp. I totally forgot about those! Post that photo... :)

  3. Yes, the feeling of sticking to everything makes you feel good. You have a whole lot of interesting stuff lined up. All the best and have an excellent weekend.
