Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 29-Shaking like a chiuaua

The other night, our youngest son was thrilled to have won the "raffle" at camp. As you might be familiar with, the week long camp has a family night on Thursday and sleepover for the campers. This charming "nature/science" camp has been a favorite of the kids for years. In part, because of the classic summer activities-hiking, swimming, lanyard making, creek walks and of course, this night under the stars. The other part are the fabulous counselors, the trail walks and the exploration of the sciences.
None the less, the Thursday night festivities include "camper tricks" with a few campers names being pulled out of a hat, funny and fabulous skits by the counselors and yes..that famous raffle.
So, imagine the little guys surprise, when after the first two campers won, and the final raffle of the night ( and in this case, the camp year ) was called...with each number, the 200+ kids say "yes" when they have a match...8 loud "yeses" later, and our little guy, shoots out of his indian style seat and stands with pride ( it is not lost on him that his oldest brother won the year before...crazy odds ) when he goes to the front, to collect his "gag" gifts he is thrilled...and serious...and yes, shaking as he said "like a chiuaua"

So, as we start week 5, and I apparently now have the official "PCP"dinner, things have been stepped up to say the least.
After an incredibly relaxing Saturday with the Mr, and our girls...I started Jumping at 7:30. By 8:15, all I could think about...was shaking like a chiuaua. The lunges are normally hard enough, but after 1300 jumps, the combo of lunges and those jump ups were doing my legs in...shake shake shake.

Skipped some of my gg today and MUST come up with a thoughtful lunch tomorrow and plan snacks accordingly.
On the good news front, discovered a greek yogurt from Stonyfield farms that is heaven.
Tomorrow-the farmers market, and a trip to the store for Bananas, Apples and greek yogurt.

1 comment:

  1. That shaking jelly like feeling is exactly what we're after, it means you've really used those muscles and not just gotten a "surface burn" Way to go!
