Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day Two or I actually stopped and thought.

Woke up on a glorious summer Sunday in our new house, looking forward to coffee and the Sunday paper in our new that as I mentioned to the friends that came over today, feels like the Garden of Eden to me. As someone who grew up on the East Coast, and spent 15 years or more living in NYC, I can't believe we have grass, an orange tree, lemon tree, lime tree and apparently kumquats and pomegranates. ( Patrick, if you can work those into our program-I would be grateful. ) Seriously, to me, it is heaven.

The morning was great, though I learned that I should try and establish a regular time for the excercise program. I think on one hand I feel more connected to this program, and therefore have this confidence through the day that I of course will do as advised. But I realize like so many things, in the absence of a clear plan and vision, I spent more time coming up with times that would work in the day then I did completing the program itself.
So lesson 1, Make a plan. In this case, pick a regular time. Come up with one version for the days and weekends we have all the kids, and one version for the other times. Ideally, the early morning always works best for me as it sets the tone for the day. Bad news, my early morning is now a hell of alot earlier then ever before, the good news, I learned I need a lot less sleep then before. particualrly when I feel healthy and energetic.
For some reason, when it comes to work, I always have a plan, when it comes to taking care of myself...not so much.

Did some early morning hanging out, ate 1/2 of my sometimes weekend breakfast-a bagel w/cream cheese and a cheese stick as a snack, and proceed to run out and get the items on the list Patrick sent. Easy to follow ( though I am not sure about the Push up bars-I got some moving kind...) and fun that shopping was included as part of the program ( just kidding )
I was aware though again, of stopping and connecting with what I was doing, and surprised myself by getting the simple but effective versions of what was on the list. That may sound silly, or shallow but somehow I knew it was about what I was doing and not what I had to do it with...In the past, I have often thought I could buy my way into confidence, fitness, etc...Hmmm Lesson 2.

When I got back, some unpacking and then while my husband rested ( he was not feeling well )
got the girls ready and went outside to exercise.
I must say, had improved a lot on the jump roping. Not from a fitness perspective-I repeat, These are hard for me, but from a coordination standpoint, I found my rythym. No music yet ( I found a workout spot on the side of our house ) I was able to complete the first set of 50 with no stops. Felt good completing all 5 sets, though they got progressively harder, and the last set I tripped up a lot. Somehow though, midway through, I looked ahead again, and amongst a the trees and houses, at the base of the Saratoga hills, right in front of me, stands a tall, tall, tall redwood tree. I can't describe it, but today it became a metaphor. for there it stands, tall and proud, stable and unwavering. When I started to tire, in set number 3 or 4, I looked at it, and thought to myself-If I too can stand tall, and be proud, I will become my best self...

when our friends came over for dinner, made a fabulous grilled salad and ate 1/2 of what I would normally. Did not think about going to Starbucks ( perhaps the question of what 1/2 of a venti was too overwhelming to answer ! ) and was not tempted for the second night in a row to have any after dinner ice, I must be pausing for a minute and really asking myself if I want something, instead of out of habit, just indulging.

So now, after a full and fun day w/friends, I am off to bed. Would use the ladies room before I turn in, but I need to mention that when I do, my thighs hurt a bit!

Looking forward to tomorrow....and what it might bring


  1. You'll have more and more of these moments of clarity as your body gets into gear. Great post!

  2. great great great post. I think we have all felt this way: "In the past, I have often thought I could buy my way into confidence, fitness, etc"

  3. I hope you get to work your fruit trees into your diet, that would be neat. Nice post, very thoughtful!
