Sunday, August 9, 2009

WOW-Day 8 and 9-Big Change

Ok, day 2 of week 2. Yesterday was tough, but I did it. Today, surprising myself that even with family coming over, and a bunch of treats around, took the time that it would take to eat them, to share what I was doing and the PCP program. Thrilled to say that I stuck with the prescribed eating plan, and though tempted to have other treats...I stayed the course.
Much harder then cutting what you normally eat in 1/2, I realize that I do not at all normally choose veggies and fruits. Sort of surprised as well how light and therefore how much of certain foods I can have.
Some basic questions are tripping me avocado allowed and is it a veggie? Can I ever have raw almonds/cashews and if so, where do they fall ? you might be laughing as you read this, but seriously, I am very litteral as I attempt to really follow this program! Wondering if there is a version of "frozen" yogurt we would be allowed at all, as i am craving something cold ( or a fruit smoothie ) in this summer heat..Can we mix our am fruit snack with our breakfast yogurt?

The workout yesterday def seemed to take it up a notch. Genius that I am, I did make the mistake of thinking I could make my workout time a family ride/outing to the school where I knew there would be a pull up bar for the inclines. Aside from the fact that it was noon, and the heat of the day, our daughter riding around singing ( which I would usually find cute ) was a major distraction. Reminded myself this am, that my workout time is just that. A moment in the day just for me. Today, based on our schedule, planning to do it tonight around 6.

Today's inspiration...a closet full of clothes that would fit a hell of a lot better if I were in shape. I know, some of my motivations are really shallow...but for me..they work..and this photo of Sandra with a if to say-If I am your muse, please at least try your best !


  1. Amy, when I was growing up my mom would mix strawberries or blueberries with plan yogurt and freeze them in popsicle trays and it tasted great on a summer afternoon. I'll bet if you measured out your milk/yogurt portion and froze it overnight in a bowl it might satisfy your craving.

  2. at this very moment i am eating a frozen yogurt: i bought one of the thicker single-serving yogurts, froze it and now am pretending it's a summery ice cream treat. Not Ben and Jerry's but it'll do the trick ;)

  3. I'm going to be looking to you for new advances in PCP cooking! I'm sure Sandra would approve thus far! :)

  4. There's no such thing as a shallow motivation. Whatever works. Plus, in this economy, getting back a whole rack of clothes isn't chump change.

    Frozen yogurt is cool as long as it's not filled with sugar and stuff like TCBY, etc...

    Luckily your taste buds will adjust soon and you'll get a lot of pleasure out of the simple sweetness of fruits and yogurt.

    Let's call avocado a veggie, even though it's a fruit. As always mix it up.
