Monday, August 17, 2009

Weigh in and Photo-Day 16

I know the weight does not matter...but since all you crazy kids seem to be posting and listing ( and I want my gold star too..) I weighed myself this morning and here is what I know..
Started at 159 and now at 154.
Uploaded new photo with a few of my usual layers removed.
Yes, motivating to see how far I need ( would like ) to go...

Here is to a great week 3.

PS. I think it goes without saying that I can not believe I posted this photo or my weight on line, but do know that it will be highly motivating to stick with it if Mr. Patrick is going to suggest ( insist ) that we post such info :)


  1. Good Work :). It is of course not the most comfortable thing that we are used to doing but does help in motivating.

  2. Thanks for sharing and congrats on the five pounds! I don't know how much, if any, weight I've lost. The three pounds I said in my comic was just for humor's sake. My weight has been all over the place. I think I gained like 4 pounds and then lost two.

  3. I'm with you, Amy! I absolutely hate my photos being taken -- all that pasty white flesh ::shudder!::

    However, I do find it motivational. It may have been so slight, but I saw that my stomach had changed a little. That made me feel great! Even my clothes are fitting a bit better (I was stretching them at the seams a bit.) And my weight went down about 5 pounds too!

    You're doing fantastic!

  4. Ok, once and for all, we don't give a damn how much you weigh. It's a useless number. Is that weight from fat? From muscle? Ladies, are you holding water before your period? All of these things make your weight change dramatically, and without special equipment there's no way to tell where the pounds are coming from.

    Much more useful is:

    How do your pants fit?

    How's your energy level?

    How hard are the exercises?

    When are you reaching muscle failure?

    and, How do you LOOK!

    Forget the numbers, please!
