Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 22-A good start

A great start to week 4 and to the weekend in general. Sharing my thoughts yesterday ( and as I mentioned, helpful to give voice and truly connect with how I was feeling vs ignoring it..Oh-right, another life lesson ) I was really aware of refocusing and making sure I created time for what mattered.
So, after a fun early morning with the Mr. and kids ( oh, and yes, crawling back into bed with the girls and sleeping until 7:30..) thought that I might split up the jumping and strength and got ready to jump this morning. Needless to say, an impromptu play date this am did not stop me from jumping..and while I completed the 1050 jumps, the Mr. and all the boys off on a bike ride, the girls staring at me and falling asleep. Next thing you know ( I used a version of E's method to mark each set of 100-no throwing though-these are new neighbors ) and I was done. Took advantage of the beautiful morning, and finished the strength training as well.
Next up-an outing to the farmers market to get delicacies for the week..A visit with one of my favorite growers who I ask for new ideas for greens each week. This week-Beet tops..

Got back home, to a house full of kids and another set of friends stopped by.
Play time for all, and a chance to relax and enjoy one of the last summer weekends.
Later in the day, with the younger boys and the Mr. Off to to a football game, Our oldest, the twins and I were home for the evening. A beautiful summer evening called for a little jog and walk with the girls and upon returning home, cooking some of the veggies from the market...

All in all, a great start to week 4. Good friends, good ( healthy food ) and a great day of exercising.

( Not all PCP approved, but some great farmers market recipes from Sunset magazine )

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