Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 10

I can understand why we are supposed to take our picture every week, and I might add, one with a little less clothing. Day 10. The day that kicked my #$%. For some reason, perhaps the heat got to me, I decided I needed a little music for my jump rope. Played some songs that I used to hear in a spinning class that I absolutely loved. Thought it would be motivating. It was a mistake. I could not count ( much like Mike I think earlier in last week ) and listen to the music. Well, then I thought-the songs are about 4.5-5.5 minutes. I'll just jump to 4 or 5 of them. Well, needless to say, I am quite sure I did at least 650 BUT it was choppy, my legs were like Jello and I realized I need no secondary motivation, I mean distraction. Tomorrow, I return to my visual inspiration ( and likely another view of Mike's Iron Man clip.
The rest of the routine was not bad-except for the push ups-not sure if I am using the contraptions correctly-Think I'll ask the mr. to take a look.

Needless to say, I think much like E, I am realizing this is not going to be quick. It took me a long time to get here-and it will take some time to get to where I really want to go. Day 10 is the day that I think I expected to see something change when I looked in the mirror. It was subconcious, but true. Having adhered to every detail for 10 days, I am looking for a reward. Never have I gone this long, following to the letter, someone elses plan, or one so comprehensive. This is yet another test-the reward is going to come from within...and perhaps, and I do hope one that I will both feel and see....

Ok, now off to an early bedtime-the girls woke up a lot/and off schedule last night. Must get sleep.

PS. TOmorrow I must come up with some regular times for meals-the content is pretty good ( impressive for me ) but my timing is all over the place-and not working so well...any tips?


  1. I try to eat approximately every three hours: 7am breakfast, 10am mid-morning snack, 1pm lunch, 4pm mid-afternoon snack, 7pm dinner, 9-10pm bedtime snack. That pretty much fits into my schedule.

  2. I have my times on a little post it note right here: B = 6:30 S1 = 9:30 L = 11:00 S2 = 3:30 D = 6:30 S3 = 8:30 Haven't met them yet, Dinner is tough ended up eating it at 8 yesterday, but it is good to have a guideline. I also take like an hour to get through lunch, which I'm sure my officemates love, hearing me chew all day.

  3. Day 10 is a bit early to start looking for results, but day 20 certainly isn't. Check then.

  4. How is your body feeling? I think that is a probably a good mark of results too, aside from visuals.
