Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 24 and loving our last email from Mr. P

Great day today...Did all 1100 jumps ( though did I see something about jumping barefoot??)
tried it for a few, and prefer jumping in sneaks.
Like the new excercises..feels good to mix it up. Have to say, really feeling good..energetic, clean and healthy. Funny still though, battling myself mentally to figure out what time of day to work out. I like the evenings, as I am energized in away, but prefer the morning, when I have it behind me and can just go about feeling good. This has been a big struggle for me and probably the nature of having newborns and being flexible.
just read Patrick's post..and must say my husbands glass of wine looked inviting tonight. It was an interesting day-with much to think about personally and professionally. Lots of decisions ahead and needing to stay true to myself and our vision for our life..Speak from the heart and head.
All of this, is helping me to do that and for that-I am grateful.

There is a wine that I love in the summer...on a Sat or Sun night, when grilling outside or hanging out with friends. Had this on our honeymoon when we were in Belize..some great memories. Saw it at Costco the other day, and bought some to serve when our friends came over. Still have some left-thinking it would be a good indulgence...


  1. what's the wine? i love me some wine ;) (and some whine, too!) actually before i started the PCP i bought a bottle of La Crema Chardonnay to celebrate with once I finish the PCP.

  2. That'll be interesting to see how our indulgences turn out. I think wine would be a good choice because our tolerance is probably down, so just a glass or two will have some fun effects.
