Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day Four Can Vs. Should

So as Patrick Predicted...I was starving ysday.
After a little conversation that I took hard for no reason ( the business of business is business )
my morning started off a bit off kilter. Perhaps over the next 90 days as well I can learn to take things less personally and be more direct. A few things helped me get back on track-and I am thankful for those..But by the end of the day, I was still feeling a bit badly, and choose to enjoy a 1/2 glass of wine. Now, as I mentioned, I was shocked by Patrick's day one email and the allowance of all that we might normally have. I think it did me well on a number of levels, and helped move into the program with more ease then I had planned. ( well done Patrick ! )
Now, while 1/2 glass of wine seems like nothing, you have to know that over the course of the last year-almost exactly, due to IVF and then our pregnancy-I did not drink...I must say as well-I really did not miss it. Gone were the days after a stressful day at work that my husband and I would split a bottle of wine. My head was clearer and I felt more energetic.

So, I wonder, Why did I want that wine so badly last night? My perception that it was an indulgence? The knowledge that I could? Well, as I woke in the middle of the night ( at 12:30 ,2 and for good at 5:30 to feed the girls) that 1/2 glass of heavy wine stayed with me..My thoughts this morning-Pretty simple

-Find an indulgence that you really enjoy ( not a short term boost be it chocolate, ice cream or wine..) For me, more like the time to read a magazine, a great bike ride, a trip to the spa ( this I am seriously contemplating..) a call with an old friend. Honestly, takes more thought as it is not a habit BUT so much more indulgent..

-Know the difference between CAN and SHOULD.

Off to do our day 4 routine-yesterday after all the info on jump roping, I totally found my rhythm. Set 4 and 5 got tripped up a bit as I was tired, but overall, pretty good. Push ups ( thanks to Mike's call out ) completed in the right form and right number, leg ups much better then earlier in the week. Rest periods as prescribed
Lunges super tough, my knees were sore and swollen a bit-feeling fine now..


  1. I wish we had made the same mistake, then at least I would be able to tell myself there were some minor heart benefits. You're right about alternative indulgences though, yesterday trying out a new pair of shoes I pedaled hard around a local park. Felt much better than eating that burger.

  2. You can do the pushups? Kick-ass! I think you should make a list of PCP approved indulgences. :)
