Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day One...

Ok, so we have officially begun the journey.
Day one of PCP for our group, and for me personally I reminder of why I am doing this. When I saw Patrick's email late yesterday, I admit, I was a bit excited. Wondering and Intrigued by what we would be asked to do. Reading through it, I loved the fact that it was not about what we couldn't eat and a long list of excercises we had to do. Amused, as I had told one of the guys I love that works at our local Starbucks ( one that is located in a quaint town, on a half vacant street at the base of a really tough cycling climb ) that I was starting this program tomorrow. In for a piece of classic coffee cake that I had grown to love in the late days of my pregnancy and the early morning hours of these first few months as a mom I let him know that in the days and weeks to come, we would likely be seeing a lot less of each other.
For me, the night before then became so much about what choices I wanted to make, and really and more deeply connecting with all of this. In the past, when I have set ( what has clearly been a false goal ) a plan to eliminate the next day some food choices, or rev up an exercise program, if I start off on the wrong foot in the morning, it gets scrapped.
So, about today. I guess this is a long way of saying, I deeply connected and more truly connected with this mission. In the morning, choosing a sweet start to the day, but it was a smoothie with Acai and yogurt and not the usual coffee cake...continuing through the day it was mostly half portions of the normal choices, but I must admit, a handful of cashews, a cheese stick and no oreos and ice coffee...I will admit that there was the matter of "what is a 1/2 of a venti ice coffee with vanilla and half&half " My friend at Starbucks suggested a tall...I was pretty confident it was a grande..I am sure he was right, but alas, I'll do better tomorrow.

On the exercise front , I admit that after I did the prescribed excercises and struggled through doing the sit ups in particular, I went back and read Patrick's email again. Something about how "easy " some people might think week one was, was a humble reminder that I had gotten far away from a fit adult. I will admit, it felt quite good when I was done, and was reminded again how much better I feel when I push myself in any way.

And to ( a half ) a dinner with my husband.

PS. I am a visual had to post a picture of my inspiration to keep me motivated as well.
Patrick swaped out my stylish, shallow picture of Sandra Bullock for a more athletic version ( which, I do appreciate ! ) but for is one that I loved when I saw it.


  1. Re: Starbucks, don't forget there's a hidden "short" option which is available for all drinks but which they don't tell you about.

  2. "...if I start off on the wrong foot in the morning, it gets scrapped."

    Wow, it's that so true, when I'm lying in bed in the morning listening to my alarm I set extra early to go work out I can come up with a million billion reasons to snooze. But you also know the secret to getting over that: "...[I] was reminded again how much better I feel when I push myself in any way." We just have to hold onto that feeling and remember how much better the rest of the day is after that workout.

  3. How did the "..half" dinner go?. Would have been really difficult. I am already dreading going out.

  4. Man, I definitely don't think this week is easy. Good job on day one, it's not easy!

  5. I'm with you on the absence of a food list. Most diet plans I have tried always tell you what you can't eat the first week -- which, of course, make me want them all the more. This is so much better, 'cause it makes me think about what I am putting into my body and analyze whether or not I really need it.

    It makes me wonder - if a PCPer puts half-n-half in their coffee, which half do they use?

    Way to go, Amy!
