Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 27, some small ups and downs and a BIG thank you

A brief post and just to say that when I follow the program-feel really good. Missed my routine yesterday-long story, but when I was back this morning, had a great workout. As Patrick mentioned in today's email, these really do feel like habits now-mostly the food choices and clean eating, but also some sort of daily excercise.
Really struggling to find a consistent time of day, but need to be flexible with myself these next 10 days, and just be happy when I get it done!

I may be the corny one in the group, but I do want to say thank Patrick, Mike, E, Jessica, Anshuman, Melanie and the rest of the PCP crew. Truly Patrick, in my 41 years I have never eaten this well or felt this energetic. I truly think the subtle and not so subtle program and approach you have created is pretty amazing. Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  1. Heh heh, you're so nice, this reads like a Day 90 post. We're just now getting up to speed, the thanking is about to be said through gritted teeth!

  2. Thank you! The Kara Goucher muse would like to tell you keep up the great work!
