Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So of course we got Patrick's email about OCCASIONAL optional routines if jump roping got a bit much..when I say much meaning a bit monotonous, not hard. Needless to say it came and I took him up on the offer.
I decided, for the first time in I don't know, more then a year, that what I really want to do was run. Perhaps it was the channel surfing of my husband while watching Tiger for a moment on he did, pausing over Track and Field, I sat and watched. Perhaps the feeling that I have always wanted to have a regular running program. That although hard on the knees, that there is a feeling I get when I do run, or take a long bike ride. A feeling I have known, and now miss. A feeling of really pushing myself.
So alas, with the girls in their double stroller. I set of. While I did stop on occasion for a minute or was glorious. Sweaty, tired and feeling every step I loved it.

As I sat here tonight, after completing 900 jumps and our reg routine, I think again about the idea of creating 90 day programs with opportunities to learn and focus on different things and areas. There are so many ideas that come to mind..A friend had once done a program at a yoga studio in NY..where you literally learned all of the poses, and were not allowed to move to the next one, until they master it. One by one, building on their practice. ( I may have the details wrong but that was the gist. ) I love the idea of truly learning, and being a student..going deeper.

Next up, the idea of mastering Heidi Swanson's cooking.

PS. Love the website. It is a great resource

1 comment:

  1. Amy, one thing that helped me with my knees and running was using the Galloway Method, basically combining scheduled walk breaks into your run from the start. Like, pre-PCP when I jogged, I would do 4 minutes running to 1 minute walking, even before I was tired. He has a book that I found useful. is another great site.
