Friday, August 21, 2009

Week 4-here we come

So, in retrospect, not my best week. Can do better and in fact will.
A few key learning's this week.

-Pick a regular time to exercise and target times to eat
-Make some food in advance. ( I did a bunch, and it helped...)
-Read motivational articles, videos etc
-Set some goals for post program.

For some reason, week 2 I found my rhythm in every sense and week 3 was one of those weeks-both PCP and life related that I was a bit off. Nothing awful, did a good job making food choices, and preparing some foods, but did not eat all of my veggie portions or all of my egg whites every day. My lack of sleep with newborns def caught up with me, as did a change in start date of our new nanny...
One day, missed my strength training, but got in all my jump roping and some running
Don't mean to be so specific, and perhaps boring, but writing gives power to the fact that I was not as on point as I could have been and would like to be.

As usual, Patrick is on track with the different thoughts running through our heads, thought about eating less as a good thing ( not the case...) thought about adding some running a few days a week...( again, not a good thing/realistic right now ) most of all-think I need some regular stretching/yoga/pilates types as I have always been inflexible, and fear in my aged state, jump jump jumping and lunging may not do well with my regular routine of do the program and don't stretch.

ok-I ramble.
Excited about farmers market tomorrow, and the fact that the new weeks always start on a Saturday, making it easier to incorporate learning's from last week.

Hoping to find some great inspiration for myself and fellow PCP'ers this week. NO MORE STEALING OTHERS MUSES...I am sure there are some track and field folks I could drum up this week..Just kidding-was thinking of Bolt.
Realistically though-think cycling may be more my thing long term. In the beautiful bay area-how could you not?


  1. I think it is pretty natural to vent out the frustrations even if it is specific :) and it sure does help. Someone might have encountered something similar before and although some of us did have problems this week but that i guess is a part of it. We will get there

  2. The good weeks can seem few and far between, but the dirty secret of the PCP is that even your bad weeks are light years better than those of most people around you. And you'll often make tons of invisible progress in those rough weeks that only manifests later.

    Don't worry about writing a boring blog. Checking in often is much better than writing one killer post once a week. You're doing great.
