Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tough Day...Day 13

Did not do so well today...Eating was good until dinner ( 4 oz of Steak and a tomato..) and for the first time did not do my exercises...Beating myself up and not feeling great, but know that I did let everyone else's needs sort of take precedent today. After a tough night last night with the twins and a full day with all the kids today...well, I learned my lesson. Mornings are a better time for me to get my workout in.

Getting ready for a night sleep, and would have been easy not to post. But with the day ( and its learnings ) fresh in my mind, I go to sleep knowing that I can do better tomorrow and be back on track. Reading everyones posts from the last few days were really inspiring. Thank you...


  1. I always say, "A chance to get the next day right is always just a night's sleep away."

  2. Alright Amy, today is a new the day, let's do this! 800 jumps!

  3. The great thing about doing your workout in the morning is you can ride the sense of accomplishment you feel for the rest of the day. Keep fighting, Amy!

  4. I'll bet you kicked those 800 jumpropes ass today!
