Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 5-Making time for what matters

Yesterday, started to recognize that slowly but surely, I was starting to prioritize the things and people that have real meaning to me. I say this, because even though I am starting PCP during the last few weeks of maternity leave, it is amazing to me how much I let ( and therefore ) likely wanted work to creep into this time. I think on one hand, because it is a company I helped create with my husband, because I am passionate about making it work ( even during these tough times ) like using my mind, and am trying to help those still managing the day to day it is ok. On the other hand I realize as I was reading one of the other PCP'ers blog it is easy, even when not working/commuting every day, to let things that are not as important quickly control your day, time, and probably more important, emotional energy. I am amazed at how much I let pass because I was "too busy" over the years..and am sure I said to myself and others those exact words, when really, deeper down, and clearly through my actions, it would have been more honest to say, I don't care. It isn't important enough to me. Or, perhaps, it was too painful and would bring up feelings that I was not ready to face..I realize in reading her post, for me at least, that has been a very easy and lazy way of letting myself off the hook. What really stops me from taking the time to connect and take responsibility for my own choices and time?

As Jessica wrote and Patrick added on...Awareness is a key part of our time here..Regardless of what we are feeling, connecting and allowing reflection is critical to this life journey.
When I think of things in those terms ( much more simplistically perhaps ) I come back to again the need to make what and who really matters the base from which I operate.

Being healthy and in true Peak condition is like giving yourself a gift, vs denying yourself something else. It is a wonder to truly have the opportunity to step back and see what we are all truly capable of. When in the midst of something hard I can stop and take the time to say, push on, see how far you can go, I know each of us really can do anything we set our minds too.

Anyway..I ramble.
I was thrilled to have completed all the exercises this morning...with the girls sound asleep, and the older kids coming this morning at 9, it was so nice to do this early in the day ( I used to exercise at 5 or 6am, but for some reason have been doing this program around 5pm this week. ) and be ready to go for the day.
Though the eating was hard and I am HUNGRY, I still just find myself choosing differently, and eating small 1/2 portions-except for dinner where I ate 1/2 of a meal I would normally eat. No afternoon iced vanilla coffee, and still no, and I mean zero oreos or ice cream. Shocking.

The first sets of jumping rope felt smooth, and 4 and 5 were filled with some trip ups..Moving to the grass tomorrow-as I have been doing on the cement :(
Thrilled ( if you can believe it ) that it was squats instead of lunges and my sit ups got a bit ( and I mean a bit better )

I'm not as clever as the rest of the group-and no fancy videos..though I am inspired to find some of lance..I do love watching him go..Once we are done with the prescribed PCP regime, and to echo Mike's comments on cooking and food prep-here is a favorite chef/blogger/photographer, Heidi Swanson of 101 Cookbooks.
Worth bookmarking and making her recipes. I hear they are truly Divine and are focused on incorporating natural ingredients.. Perhaps when we are done, I will spend the next 90 days learning how to master some of her creations as I have always wanted to cook with more frequency, and perhaps now really is a good time to make time for what matters.
All in all, a pretty good day.


  1. When my house is clean, the bath towels all perfectly folded, the surfaces all dusted, you can be sure as hell I'm avoiding some kind of big unpleasant task in my life. Whereas if I just got it over with I'd feel so much better.

  2. I like that...a gift vs. denying ourselves something. I will definitely need to remember that in the coming days... I have cheese dependency issues.
