Monday, August 3, 2009

Day Three

A pretty good day all around...EXCEPT for the sit ups. I can not believe how hard they are, and to be honest if what I am doing remotely resembles what Patrick would like us to do!

Off to a great start to the day this morning, taking care of something that felt really good to do. Whenever that happens, a great tone is set for the day. I actually took the summer off, and can not believe how much I am loving being home, catching up on life and connecting with friends and family outside of work. On the other hand, some days are hard, as I often set out a plan for myself which can often get a bit derailed. None the less, today was one of those days that just felt balanced with a knowledge that I prioritized a few things that were important, but that I was open to what other times of the day looked like.

In terms of the eating, I think I am doing a pretty good job with the 1/2 thing, though like Anshuman, sometimes I think I am giving myself credit for skipping something, and then doing the 3/4 thing with something else...The good news is I think because Patrick said it was ok, and I expected it not to be even in the first few days, the Oreo's are not calling out to me in the morning, and ice cream is not missing my standing date at the end of the day. I have often found in the past that once I start exercising even just a little, my body does not really want that stuff.

What struck me today, as I was jumping rope with my little girls watching me from their car seats...was that as I looked into their eyes that I found myself saying things like..we'll hike Yosemite together and climb half dome. I am not sure where that came from, but I think I was connecting with that knowledge that their are a life time of things we can do together and I want to be able to do them all.

Tomorrows challenge to myself is to stay as centered as I felt today..It truly was a gift and one that often escapes me. On a physical note, it is to master the sit up and keep jumping...

I loved the above when I saw it..and now can't remember where ( I AM SOO SORRY...)
thought it was relevant for today.

Also, just want to say that I so look forward to reading every one's posts and comments. They are inspiring, honest and do push me to do more. Thank you for taking the time..


  1. It's great that you have your inspiration literally sitting right in front of you while you jump. (the girls. not Sandra. that would be weird)

  2. Amazing how the mind works, once you're told you can't have something it becomes doubly as tempting.

    We'll all be there soon, with visions of fried, sugared, alchoholic treats dancing over our heads. When that time comes, remember it's just a feeling, it'll go away if you don't invest it with mental energy.

  3. oh no...I was afraid that would happen. Perhaps that is why subconciously I am writing so much about it now! Also, why I likely should take another week one, with regular ( not bermuda ) shorts and an athletic top..That will keep me motivated as you mentioned :)

    off to jump rope and 4 sets of push ups and then a new photo.
