Friday, August 7, 2009

Day Seven

I was driving up to the office today ( to spend a few hours working on our marketing approach and e-commerce relaunch ) and caught a really interesting discussion on NPR. The author of Farm City Novella Carpenter was talking about her urban farm and her quest to grow her own food. Fascinating listen...planning to read the Micheal Pollan article now, and then listen to the program again.

Ok, a fabulous way to reflect on week one.
With our own patch of land ( and as you know, plenty of fruit on it ) I look forward to giving more thought to what I put in my mouth, and have always wanted to garden. Now alas, for so many reasons, we can and we shall!!

This weeks indulgences:
-Going to the beach with the kids
-A trip to my favorite farmers market tomorrow morning and some extra fresh flowers for our new home
-A lovely pedicure...or at home spa style bath
-Reconnecting with an old high school friend and actually picking up the phone and talking to her.
-Saying no and setting boundaries that would let me make time for some things that were really important to me.
-And now, a final glass of wine and perhaps some coffee haagen daz.


  1. Gardening pairs great with the PCP! This is my first garden too, and it's amazing eating from the back yard.

    Enjoy the wine and ice cream!

  2. Will it be difficult to set up your garden? How will you do it? Fertilizer and seeds? That's really cool :) I grew a pepper plant once. I treasured that plant and then I had to move before it bloomed :(

  3. Back home where my parents stay, they have this huge place where at one point in time they used to grow vegetables, fruits everything. Imagine having 4-5 Mango trees, 2-3 Guava trees. It is a luxury few can afford these days. The ones who do must treasure it.
