Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is that Me?

So, not yet at the moment that Patrick mentioned in his email to us yesterday...asking is that me?
But..highly desirous of being there, and I might add, had a different sort of ( and perhaps not equally as fulfilling ) Is that me? moment.
So, days 11 and 12 were hard. The combination of heat, and general- I am not really in shape stuff made some of the exercises really hard. My legs were a bit like jelly during the jumping rope and the push ups are really tough. At the start of yesterday's session, after a "long" I mean "full" day with all five kids, I was like..there is no way I can do this. I'm tired, the girls are a bit fussy and ..well, I don't remember now, but trust me, the list was long, and it was full of good "excuses" I mean reasons why this could legitimately be the first non compliant "PCP day"
and alas, before I knew it, I started jumping. Distracted once I started by nothing, looking at the faces of our girls, looking at the tall tree..I kept jumping. Taking yesterday in increments of 100 I jumped and jumped. 700 jumps later, I was on to the squats..the rest as they is history.

The only thing I did not do, was eat my afternoon fruit!!

So, at the end of these days I can say to myself...Is that me?
The answer is as follows...
-Is that me, who wants to be as fit as I can possibly be?
-Is that me, who wants to quit or not try when things are tough?
-Is that me, who will really push through during these 90 days as hard as I can?
-Is that me, climbing up half dome?
-Is that me, at the end of the 90 days, and each one individually that can say they really did their best?
-Is that me, who reached out and asked for ( and gave help ) to their fellow PCP'ers?

and finally, as it comes to me the end of these 90 days when I am relaxing here...and finally look in the mirror...Is that me :) at a spectacular and fabulous spa?


  1. You've found an important truth here, that thinking about doing your workout is always harder than actually doing it. So as much as possible just cut the wire than powers your "I don't have time/energy" voice" and, like you said, pick up the rope.

    In many ways Jump 0 is much harder than Jump 700.

  2. i had the same hill to climb today. came home exhausted. fell asleep. woke up. it was dark. lotsa reasons to not get up. but i did, thinking .. i'll only do my jump ropes. but i did it all and am so relieved.
