Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just in

Finally took some photos..I really do not like getting my picture taken...and will also take one in the fab new dress!
Until then, thought this was a lovely shot of the dress itself. Seriously, would NEVER have tried this on before.

An Endorsement and I missed you guys!

The last 2 weeks have been such a blur and again give credit to all of you who are PCP'ing while juggling other life commitments. Over the last few weeks, as I went back to work after a summer with the girls, fitting all my PCP to dos in was a bit tough. The one that really got let go was my typical every other day blog post.

There have been a bunch of posts in my mind, and tons to share. But one that keeps coming back to me. Seriously think, all women a few months after they give birth should find their way to Patrick and the PCP program.
It is a funny thing, the community of women and the massive number of places you can go for information. As someone who has always sort of enjoyed things as they came, I found much of what people said to be a bit different for me. ( and felt quite lucky as a result ) Don't get me wrong, I love the connections that we've all made over the last year or so, first as a woman trying to concieve, then as an IVF patient for a brief time, next as a pregnant woman and someone who knew they were having twins, and then finally as a new mom.
As we connected with folks, there were a few questions and comments that were heard quite often and most of all, I thought that the sleep deprivation would do me in...

So, fast forward, some how I find out about Patrick and the PCP program. As you know, following a woman I am inspired by and learn from on Twitter of all places.
And, yes over the last few months have been incredibly thankful for the first time in my life to view eating, excercising and reflecting as one of the most important responsibilities I have to myself and my family.

You see, as a new parent, there is so much you experience that makes this program so incredibly rich.
A huge change in your world, and a desire to teach and impart in your children a feeling that they can do anything. A desire to show them to love learning, and be a student of life and the world. A hope that you will one day, when you realize how quickly is already going by, be around to hold their grandchildren and be by their side in the hospital ( or at home ) on that amazing day.
A realization that you will need more physical strength and mental clarity as you go about this job of parenting. That despite getting less then 6 hours of sleep on average, that you want to make each day the best it can be.
That as a woman, you have now done what your body was designed to do all these years, and that it is the same body that in a way you took for granted or ignored. That feeding it truly, healthy things actually is FAR more desirable and rewarding then said evening ice cream habit.
Each morning, waking up in the early morning hours, and doing the routine is a way to start the day with something just for you. That as you surprise your self with your strength and commitment, that your own ideas about what and how you want to spend your time become incredibly clear and peaceful.
And, that last but not least, there is the vanity piece. That so, has everything else changed, truly all just becoming sharper, richer, deeper, so has what you want to wear.
That being in shape and physically strong is an amazing present to give yourself at a time where many just plod along. There are so many people who have said to me " I barely left the house for 6 months" or " I could not do anything except take care of the baby and sleep " and I wish they too had known about this program.
As people stop and admire the girls as we go about town, they often follow up with " you look great " I think most often, they are looking into my eyes, and see a sense of life. As a quickly reply ( I am not good at taking compliments yet ) I'm doing this program, and spill some of the details, I realize how lucky I was to have found this.
In the early days-it helped give a structure to the day, something for only me to accomplish and do, an amazing amount of energy, a sense of clarity about how I wanted the girls and all our kids to grow up, and now the ability to change my wardrobe! ( For a new mom, that is actually sort of important! )

So, I say to all of you new parents out there...find a way. You will be amazed...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The power of routine

So, feeling really good, though the new work routine is a little tough. Sounds silly, as you all have been figuring out how to PCP , work and live life for the last weeks..Who am I to say that it is a bit hard.
With the girls waking up at unpredictable times, I was so releived when Patrick sent the email about trying our jumping rope in the early morning. Not because I have been able to pull that off yet, but because he also said, we could split our strength and cardio. That has made the last 2 weeks possible.

In the early morning-strenght training -cause it could be anywhere from 4-5 am and then at the end jump jump jump. Have subbed a good walk/jog more then perhaps I should so this week trying to get back to jumping. Miss it actually.

We are going to a dear friends wedding today-indulgence 2 came at the perfect time. More importantly though-I tried on, and bought a dress that someone suggested and one that I would NEVER have worn. But alas, I can say I feel strong, and different, and yes am starting to dress that part a bit...
I must take a new picture..I can see but more importantly FEEL the changes.
Have a great weekend. Its 4:47 am on a Sat, and woke up early to PCP before we go..

Sunday, September 13, 2009

good to be back

Had a few off days this week-was my first week back at work, we had a nanny start, a board meeting and asst other good 'excuses' and there were a lot of things going on that were a bit more then the norm. Missed my workout 2 x this week, and did indulge in a glass of wine and did not feel good mentally or physically as a result.
I realized this morning, this is not an option. Think I avoided posting because I did not want to admit to myself I did not do what I really wanted cause it was hard. Funny enough, it was this whole program that gave me the mental clarity to handle all of that stuff week, and truly have an amazing week. So why I ask???
Strength training complete, head in the right place and feeling good.
Off to jump-just needed to fess up first

hope you are all having a great weekend

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


A simple post, and yet a meaningful one.
Here are some of the reasons I PCP.
Our two beautiful daughters and knowing that I want to make sure I can experience everything with them...Climb the highest mountain, go for long walks and talks, bike ride around the neighborhood and be a role model for an active life. Have the same hopes and dreams for all of our kids, and know that there is so much in life to try, and learn...
Little miss evelyn keller williams on the left and emma grace williams on the right. 4 months old...

True love.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A lovely start to week 6

a lovely start to week 6, and the labor day weekend.
Not sure that I did the Pistol Squat right, but they were tough as can be.
1400 jumps, and the line up right after at the end of a glorious and simple day.

As planned
-Had a great walk and time with a friend on Friday afternoon
-Hung out with the Mr and the girls on Saturday morning and late afternoon
-Got clear again on some life priorities and staying true to who we are and how we want to live
-worked on decorating/finishing our office at home
-worked on finishing the decorating details for the kids rooms. Should be finished by next weekend!
-Remembered why I love the farmers market so after a trip ( never again..) to Whole Foods.
( needed greek yogurt...should have gone to trader joe's )
-Connected with two old friends and one VERY dear one...

Now, on this glorious Sunday morning ( after a mixed night of sleep ) ready for coffee, the NYT and then a call to my dad.

Have a fantastic day.

A friend had this posted and I wanted to share.

If you make it a way of life never to hurt others,then in your presence all conflict comes to an end.
Ahinsa pratishthayam tat
sannidhau vaira tyagah.
I love this...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy to report

Happy to report, I checked back into PCP land.
When one feels crappy-easy to remember how good one feels on this program.
Did everything yesterday morning-and since it was so hot, brought the strength part inside.

After eating everything on schedule, this morning, feel glorious in every way.

It is so much cooler today and the begining of a holiday weekend...Here is what I am looking forward to:

-Taking a long walk with the girls and a friend this afternoon
-Jumping towards the end of the day as dusk settles
-Curling up with some Sept magazines
-Feeling lucky that the girls are 4 months old today
-Rembering that I have choices and I get to make them EVERYWHERE in my life and in OUR life together
-My favorite farmers market on Sat am
-A super long weekend with the Mr. and the girls
-Finishing decorating the kids room
-Finishing the office decorating project
-Taking and posting a new photo...I can see the changes :)

Have a great holiday weekend...PCP Style

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Last nights slip

Had a great day yesterday-but somehow mid day found myself a bit crabby and frustrated. Think there were likely a variety of reasons, including one obvious one, and by the end of the day at dinner was seriously craving a glass of red wine. I am sure it was a desire to relax, push away some of the things that perhaps I did not want to think about, and a mild "&*()" response.

needless to say, the Mr. and I opened a bottle of wine, and yes, I enjoyed a glass.
I had done all of my exercises in the morning. Ate a ton of egg whites and the like but was tripped up as at lunch-I had planned to take the kids to a "first day of school" lunch at a certain place I knew I could order in PCP style, and alas, the choose a different place. No doubt the combo of fewer gs then I likely need post routine and my hormonal state caused the desire for the wine.

Needless to say-what was lovely at the time last night was not so lovely during the evening or this am. I look different, feel different, and really needed none of it. Another indulgence would likely have been more enjoyable and better for me.
So-back I PCP land.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am clearly not consuming all my gs. and need some help with ideas!
Breakfast is great, except for my veggie struggle. Not that hard, just need to do.
Somehow, really craving yogurt and FRUIT..not yogurt and veggies. Help.
Snacks clearly need to be prepped and organized in the am
While I love the dinner, my evening snack is throwing me off as well.

So the questions
-What does everyone else make for breakfast?
-Do you just drink the milk straight?
-Any ideas for the PM snack

All in all SHOCKED that I am not craving crap food-which is great-just struggling with the mix.

Starting tomorrow as well...following a more clear time plan which should help and allowing my prep time in the am. My challenge is that each morning begins at a different time, with the girls waking and ready to eat. Since they are still getting up during the night, multiple times, that might mean I would stay up at their last feeding...
Perhaps in the next few weeks, as they likely have just one night feeding, that would be more realistic.
By the end of this week-I need to come up with a bit more of a schedule ( something I actually like doing ) as I also return to work next Tuesday!!!

thinking about reading some of the other PCP ers that are young moms to get some tips.

More later, done with 1350 jumps-need to do the rest of my strength exercises...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 29-Shaking like a chiuaua

The other night, our youngest son was thrilled to have won the "raffle" at camp. As you might be familiar with, the week long camp has a family night on Thursday and sleepover for the campers. This charming "nature/science" camp has been a favorite of the kids for years. In part, because of the classic summer activities-hiking, swimming, lanyard making, creek walks and of course, this night under the stars. The other part are the fabulous counselors, the trail walks and the exploration of the sciences.
None the less, the Thursday night festivities include "camper tricks" with a few campers names being pulled out of a hat, funny and fabulous skits by the counselors and yes..that famous raffle.
So, imagine the little guys surprise, when after the first two campers won, and the final raffle of the night ( and in this case, the camp year ) was called...with each number, the 200+ kids say "yes" when they have a match...8 loud "yeses" later, and our little guy, shoots out of his indian style seat and stands with pride ( it is not lost on him that his oldest brother won the year before...crazy odds ) when he goes to the front, to collect his "gag" gifts he is thrilled...and serious...and yes, shaking as he said "like a chiuaua"

So, as we start week 5, and I apparently now have the official "PCP"dinner, things have been stepped up to say the least.
After an incredibly relaxing Saturday with the Mr, and our girls...I started Jumping at 7:30. By 8:15, all I could think about...was shaking like a chiuaua. The lunges are normally hard enough, but after 1300 jumps, the combo of lunges and those jump ups were doing my legs in...shake shake shake.

Skipped some of my gg today and MUST come up with a thoughtful lunch tomorrow and plan snacks accordingly.
On the good news front, discovered a greek yogurt from Stonyfield farms that is heaven.
Tomorrow-the farmers market, and a trip to the store for Bananas, Apples and greek yogurt.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 27, some small ups and downs and a BIG thank you

A brief post and just to say that when I follow the program-feel really good. Missed my routine yesterday-long story, but when I was back this morning, had a great workout. As Patrick mentioned in today's email, these really do feel like habits now-mostly the food choices and clean eating, but also some sort of daily excercise.
Really struggling to find a consistent time of day, but need to be flexible with myself these next 10 days, and just be happy when I get it done!

I may be the corny one in the group, but I do want to say thank Patrick, Mike, E, Jessica, Anshuman, Melanie and the rest of the PCP crew. Truly Patrick, in my 41 years I have never eaten this well or felt this energetic. I truly think the subtle and not so subtle program and approach you have created is pretty amazing. Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 24 and loving our last email from Mr. P

Great day today...Did all 1100 jumps ( though did I see something about jumping barefoot??)
tried it for a few, and prefer jumping in sneaks.
Like the new excercises..feels good to mix it up. Have to say, really feeling good..energetic, clean and healthy. Funny still though, battling myself mentally to figure out what time of day to work out. I like the evenings, as I am energized in away, but prefer the morning, when I have it behind me and can just go about feeling good. This has been a big struggle for me and probably the nature of having newborns and being flexible.
just read Patrick's post..and must say my husbands glass of wine looked inviting tonight. It was an interesting day-with much to think about personally and professionally. Lots of decisions ahead and needing to stay true to myself and our vision for our life..Speak from the heart and head.
All of this, is helping me to do that and for that-I am grateful.

There is a wine that I love in the summer...on a Sat or Sun night, when grilling outside or hanging out with friends. Had this on our honeymoon when we were in Belize..some great memories. Saw it at Costco the other day, and bought some to serve when our friends came over. Still have some left-thinking it would be a good indulgence...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 22-A good start

A great start to week 4 and to the weekend in general. Sharing my thoughts yesterday ( and as I mentioned, helpful to give voice and truly connect with how I was feeling vs ignoring it..Oh-right, another life lesson ) I was really aware of refocusing and making sure I created time for what mattered.
So, after a fun early morning with the Mr. and kids ( oh, and yes, crawling back into bed with the girls and sleeping until 7:30..) thought that I might split up the jumping and strength and got ready to jump this morning. Needless to say, an impromptu play date this am did not stop me from jumping..and while I completed the 1050 jumps, the Mr. and all the boys off on a bike ride, the girls staring at me and falling asleep. Next thing you know ( I used a version of E's method to mark each set of 100-no throwing though-these are new neighbors ) and I was done. Took advantage of the beautiful morning, and finished the strength training as well.
Next up-an outing to the farmers market to get delicacies for the week..A visit with one of my favorite growers who I ask for new ideas for greens each week. This week-Beet tops..

Got back home, to a house full of kids and another set of friends stopped by.
Play time for all, and a chance to relax and enjoy one of the last summer weekends.
Later in the day, with the younger boys and the Mr. Off to to a football game, Our oldest, the twins and I were home for the evening. A beautiful summer evening called for a little jog and walk with the girls and upon returning home, cooking some of the veggies from the market...

All in all, a great start to week 4. Good friends, good ( healthy food ) and a great day of exercising.

( Not all PCP approved, but some great farmers market recipes from Sunset magazine )

Friday, August 21, 2009

Week 4-here we come

So, in retrospect, not my best week. Can do better and in fact will.
A few key learning's this week.

-Pick a regular time to exercise and target times to eat
-Make some food in advance. ( I did a bunch, and it helped...)
-Read motivational articles, videos etc
-Set some goals for post program.

For some reason, week 2 I found my rhythm in every sense and week 3 was one of those weeks-both PCP and life related that I was a bit off. Nothing awful, did a good job making food choices, and preparing some foods, but did not eat all of my veggie portions or all of my egg whites every day. My lack of sleep with newborns def caught up with me, as did a change in start date of our new nanny...
One day, missed my strength training, but got in all my jump roping and some running
Don't mean to be so specific, and perhaps boring, but writing gives power to the fact that I was not as on point as I could have been and would like to be.

As usual, Patrick is on track with the different thoughts running through our heads, thought about eating less as a good thing ( not the case...) thought about adding some running a few days a week...( again, not a good thing/realistic right now ) most of all-think I need some regular stretching/yoga/pilates types as I have always been inflexible, and fear in my aged state, jump jump jumping and lunging may not do well with my regular routine of do the program and don't stretch.

ok-I ramble.
Excited about farmers market tomorrow, and the fact that the new weeks always start on a Saturday, making it easier to incorporate learning's from last week.

Hoping to find some great inspiration for myself and fellow PCP'ers this week. NO MORE STEALING OTHERS MUSES...I am sure there are some track and field folks I could drum up this week..Just kidding-was thinking of Bolt.
Realistically though-think cycling may be more my thing long term. In the beautiful bay area-how could you not?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So of course we got Patrick's email about OCCASIONAL optional routines if jump roping got a bit much..when I say much meaning a bit monotonous, not hard. Needless to say it came and I took him up on the offer.
I decided, for the first time in I don't know, more then a year, that what I really want to do was run. Perhaps it was the channel surfing of my husband while watching Tiger for a moment on he did, pausing over Track and Field, I sat and watched. Perhaps the feeling that I have always wanted to have a regular running program. That although hard on the knees, that there is a feeling I get when I do run, or take a long bike ride. A feeling I have known, and now miss. A feeling of really pushing myself.
So alas, with the girls in their double stroller. I set of. While I did stop on occasion for a minute or was glorious. Sweaty, tired and feeling every step I loved it.

As I sat here tonight, after completing 900 jumps and our reg routine, I think again about the idea of creating 90 day programs with opportunities to learn and focus on different things and areas. There are so many ideas that come to mind..A friend had once done a program at a yoga studio in NY..where you literally learned all of the poses, and were not allowed to move to the next one, until they master it. One by one, building on their practice. ( I may have the details wrong but that was the gist. ) I love the idea of truly learning, and being a student..going deeper.

Next up, the idea of mastering Heidi Swanson's cooking.

PS. Love the website. It is a great resource

Monday, August 17, 2009

Weigh in and Photo-Day 16

I know the weight does not matter...but since all you crazy kids seem to be posting and listing ( and I want my gold star too..) I weighed myself this morning and here is what I know..
Started at 159 and now at 154.
Uploaded new photo with a few of my usual layers removed.
Yes, motivating to see how far I need ( would like ) to go...

Here is to a great week 3.

PS. I think it goes without saying that I can not believe I posted this photo or my weight on line, but do know that it will be highly motivating to stick with it if Mr. Patrick is going to suggest ( insist ) that we post such info :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bounty...In more ways then one

So when I first heard about Patrick and the PCP program it was from a woman named Gwen Bell, who I follow on twitter. As I might have mentioned, my husband and I started a company a few years ago, and then partnered with a friend to bring it to life. Long story short, I had never thought about doing something entrepreneurial and had always enjoyed the companies and roles that I had prior to this. Through a series of conversations about how we want to live our lives together, and what we wanted to do, a number of things became clear. But most of all, he was and is someone who is incredibly smart, forward thinking, free of ego and desirous of using his mind and challenging all around him. To some, this is a difficult proposition, as he pushes us all forward to see and do things that may be yet unknown. In any event, as we talked about building our concept, and brand, the importance of social media and direct conversations with customers was something he was very focal about. I had come from companies where we basically told people what we thought they should like, spent lots of money on marketing and well...the rest is as they say...exactly that history.
So as I listened, and knew absolutely nothing about this world he mentioned, I also found myself craving my own outlet and voice that did not require anyone Else's input or approval. Ironic, I know, that you start your own company and at times can have less of a voice, or one that seems to be in conflict more so then any role I have previous held. Long story short, after starting a blog ( solely focused on my own interests in the areas of design, signing up for twitter and yes, eventually going on facebook ) I found in these different venues people, things and ideas that were both incredibly inspirational and surprisingly real.
PCP seems to be yet, another one of those things. Reading Gwen's post, at the end of her 90 days, I was struck by all of the things she had learned and done during the program. In my mind, I thought how much sense it made...but was not sure what it would truly be like for me.

So, as Jessica asked last week, when I was carrying on about what the scale might say, I am so aware of how different I feel in just 16 days, and how my thoughts and actions outside of the specifics of this program have changed as well...For the first time, in I am not sure how long, I truly give thought to what I am eating, and most of all, have discovered real foods. While in the past, my trips to the farmers market would be somewhat regular, equally so was the lack of using much of what I bought..Something about the concept of being one of those people was great, but when push came to shove...well, there were so many things..Oreos, ice cream etc..

So, while there is much in my mind to share about what has already changed...My joy this week is that for two weeks in a row, I have gone to the farmers market, picked up some new ( beet tops, kale and bok choy, blackberries ) things, left some old ( almond croissants from the most Delicious SF Bakery ) and actually used ALL of the items we bought...For dinner tonight, even used the beets that we bought last week and this week.

As I finished our exercises tonight, and so appreciated Patrick's suggestion that we can OCCASIONALLY do something else-I just felt for a moment, that my life was actually really rich. That the bounty from the farmers market, and the riches that I feel already from this program truly are gifts.
I may be the corny one in our group-but truly I am grateful. Somehow, since he always seems to know exactly what to say or do, I can't help but think that Patrick must be smiling knowing that this is yet another benefit of all that we are doing.

So, I say thank you...

PS, Finally took our week 2 photo. Will get up on flickr tomorrow..

Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm Back

Wow, yesterday totally messed with me, and today I'M BACK...thanks for all the support-seriously a few comments, and Patrick's email with what to do, re reading some old posts and on very little sleep...800 jump ropes and yesterdays strength routine. Just needed to have a moment to reflect and know that as Jessica said, I do FEEL so much better in every way when I follow the plan.

Thought this could be good motivation for the tough days..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tough Day...Day 13

Did not do so well today...Eating was good until dinner ( 4 oz of Steak and a tomato..) and for the first time did not do my exercises...Beating myself up and not feeling great, but know that I did let everyone else's needs sort of take precedent today. After a tough night last night with the twins and a full day with all the kids today...well, I learned my lesson. Mornings are a better time for me to get my workout in.

Getting ready for a night sleep, and would have been easy not to post. But with the day ( and its learnings ) fresh in my mind, I go to sleep knowing that I can do better tomorrow and be back on track. Reading everyones posts from the last few days were really inspiring. Thank you...

Is that Me?

So, not yet at the moment that Patrick mentioned in his email to us yesterday...asking is that me?
But..highly desirous of being there, and I might add, had a different sort of ( and perhaps not equally as fulfilling ) Is that me? moment.
So, days 11 and 12 were hard. The combination of heat, and general- I am not really in shape stuff made some of the exercises really hard. My legs were a bit like jelly during the jumping rope and the push ups are really tough. At the start of yesterday's session, after a "long" I mean "full" day with all five kids, I was like..there is no way I can do this. I'm tired, the girls are a bit fussy and ..well, I don't remember now, but trust me, the list was long, and it was full of good "excuses" I mean reasons why this could legitimately be the first non compliant "PCP day"
and alas, before I knew it, I started jumping. Distracted once I started by nothing, looking at the faces of our girls, looking at the tall tree..I kept jumping. Taking yesterday in increments of 100 I jumped and jumped. 700 jumps later, I was on to the squats..the rest as they is history.

The only thing I did not do, was eat my afternoon fruit!!

So, at the end of these days I can say to myself...Is that me?
The answer is as follows...
-Is that me, who wants to be as fit as I can possibly be?
-Is that me, who wants to quit or not try when things are tough?
-Is that me, who will really push through during these 90 days as hard as I can?
-Is that me, climbing up half dome?
-Is that me, at the end of the 90 days, and each one individually that can say they really did their best?
-Is that me, who reached out and asked for ( and gave help ) to their fellow PCP'ers?

and finally, as it comes to me the end of these 90 days when I am relaxing here...and finally look in the mirror...Is that me :) at a spectacular and fabulous spa?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 10

I can understand why we are supposed to take our picture every week, and I might add, one with a little less clothing. Day 10. The day that kicked my #$%. For some reason, perhaps the heat got to me, I decided I needed a little music for my jump rope. Played some songs that I used to hear in a spinning class that I absolutely loved. Thought it would be motivating. It was a mistake. I could not count ( much like Mike I think earlier in last week ) and listen to the music. Well, then I thought-the songs are about 4.5-5.5 minutes. I'll just jump to 4 or 5 of them. Well, needless to say, I am quite sure I did at least 650 BUT it was choppy, my legs were like Jello and I realized I need no secondary motivation, I mean distraction. Tomorrow, I return to my visual inspiration ( and likely another view of Mike's Iron Man clip.
The rest of the routine was not bad-except for the push ups-not sure if I am using the contraptions correctly-Think I'll ask the mr. to take a look.

Needless to say, I think much like E, I am realizing this is not going to be quick. It took me a long time to get here-and it will take some time to get to where I really want to go. Day 10 is the day that I think I expected to see something change when I looked in the mirror. It was subconcious, but true. Having adhered to every detail for 10 days, I am looking for a reward. Never have I gone this long, following to the letter, someone elses plan, or one so comprehensive. This is yet another test-the reward is going to come from within...and perhaps, and I do hope one that I will both feel and see....

Ok, now off to an early bedtime-the girls woke up a lot/and off schedule last night. Must get sleep.

PS. TOmorrow I must come up with some regular times for meals-the content is pretty good ( impressive for me ) but my timing is all over the place-and not working so well...any tips?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

WOW-Day 8 and 9-Big Change

Ok, day 2 of week 2. Yesterday was tough, but I did it. Today, surprising myself that even with family coming over, and a bunch of treats around, took the time that it would take to eat them, to share what I was doing and the PCP program. Thrilled to say that I stuck with the prescribed eating plan, and though tempted to have other treats...I stayed the course.
Much harder then cutting what you normally eat in 1/2, I realize that I do not at all normally choose veggies and fruits. Sort of surprised as well how light and therefore how much of certain foods I can have.
Some basic questions are tripping me avocado allowed and is it a veggie? Can I ever have raw almonds/cashews and if so, where do they fall ? you might be laughing as you read this, but seriously, I am very litteral as I attempt to really follow this program! Wondering if there is a version of "frozen" yogurt we would be allowed at all, as i am craving something cold ( or a fruit smoothie ) in this summer heat..Can we mix our am fruit snack with our breakfast yogurt?

The workout yesterday def seemed to take it up a notch. Genius that I am, I did make the mistake of thinking I could make my workout time a family ride/outing to the school where I knew there would be a pull up bar for the inclines. Aside from the fact that it was noon, and the heat of the day, our daughter riding around singing ( which I would usually find cute ) was a major distraction. Reminded myself this am, that my workout time is just that. A moment in the day just for me. Today, based on our schedule, planning to do it tonight around 6.

Today's inspiration...a closet full of clothes that would fit a hell of a lot better if I were in shape. I know, some of my motivations are really shallow...but for me..they work..and this photo of Sandra with a if to say-If I am your muse, please at least try your best !

Friday, August 7, 2009

Day Seven

I was driving up to the office today ( to spend a few hours working on our marketing approach and e-commerce relaunch ) and caught a really interesting discussion on NPR. The author of Farm City Novella Carpenter was talking about her urban farm and her quest to grow her own food. Fascinating listen...planning to read the Micheal Pollan article now, and then listen to the program again.

Ok, a fabulous way to reflect on week one.
With our own patch of land ( and as you know, plenty of fruit on it ) I look forward to giving more thought to what I put in my mouth, and have always wanted to garden. Now alas, for so many reasons, we can and we shall!!

This weeks indulgences:
-Going to the beach with the kids
-A trip to my favorite farmers market tomorrow morning and some extra fresh flowers for our new home
-A lovely pedicure...or at home spa style bath
-Reconnecting with an old high school friend and actually picking up the phone and talking to her.
-Saying no and setting boundaries that would let me make time for some things that were really important to me.
-And now, a final glass of wine and perhaps some coffee haagen daz.

Day 6

Something about this social media element of this program is really working for me. Part one, tell your husband that you want to get in the best physical shape you can, so you can enjoy hiking, cycling, kayaking and other adventures activities as an individual, couple and family. Saying the words out loud gave them power, and showed me how important this truly is to me. Saying it out loud to him made him aware of how I need his help and support to make this a priority, saying it out loud to everyone else meant I would be too afraid to fail.

So much of this program in week one was going deeper, and seeing how committed we could all be. Getting to know each other and helping understand why we were here and what we might need from each other.

So yesterday was one of those days, where really my motivation was not to miss a day. To be able to report at the end of the day, that I continued to commit to being that person that could hike the toughest trail. Would have been easy in the morning, with a bit less sleep then I would have liked, 3 kids to hang out with, get ready for the day, make breakfast, 2 babies to feed and love, 5 kids in total to take to the beach ( with a pit stop at Target for last minute supplies for a night time Children's theatre performance ) a mid day visit with a friend and her son, make up and hair to" do" for said performance, a few work emails in the morning, and finally a ready call to get our daughter too, and a performance to attend to either:

Miss all or some of our excercises
Eat a bunch of crap food.

Ok, so the push ups were REALLY tough for me yesterday and only cranked out 5 in each set, and yes my legs were jelly on the last set of lunges. BUT because I really want to see, am curious in fact, what I can accomplish, I did them all in the morning before we left the house.

And while I know I will never be in the same shape as today's visual inspiration...I am certainly inspired by her level of commitment, and pushing herself a second time. So as I write this at the end of day 7 when I must go and complete my 500 jump off I go, this post and visual in mind.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 5-Making time for what matters

Yesterday, started to recognize that slowly but surely, I was starting to prioritize the things and people that have real meaning to me. I say this, because even though I am starting PCP during the last few weeks of maternity leave, it is amazing to me how much I let ( and therefore ) likely wanted work to creep into this time. I think on one hand, because it is a company I helped create with my husband, because I am passionate about making it work ( even during these tough times ) like using my mind, and am trying to help those still managing the day to day it is ok. On the other hand I realize as I was reading one of the other PCP'ers blog it is easy, even when not working/commuting every day, to let things that are not as important quickly control your day, time, and probably more important, emotional energy. I am amazed at how much I let pass because I was "too busy" over the years..and am sure I said to myself and others those exact words, when really, deeper down, and clearly through my actions, it would have been more honest to say, I don't care. It isn't important enough to me. Or, perhaps, it was too painful and would bring up feelings that I was not ready to face..I realize in reading her post, for me at least, that has been a very easy and lazy way of letting myself off the hook. What really stops me from taking the time to connect and take responsibility for my own choices and time?

As Jessica wrote and Patrick added on...Awareness is a key part of our time here..Regardless of what we are feeling, connecting and allowing reflection is critical to this life journey.
When I think of things in those terms ( much more simplistically perhaps ) I come back to again the need to make what and who really matters the base from which I operate.

Being healthy and in true Peak condition is like giving yourself a gift, vs denying yourself something else. It is a wonder to truly have the opportunity to step back and see what we are all truly capable of. When in the midst of something hard I can stop and take the time to say, push on, see how far you can go, I know each of us really can do anything we set our minds too.

Anyway..I ramble.
I was thrilled to have completed all the exercises this morning...with the girls sound asleep, and the older kids coming this morning at 9, it was so nice to do this early in the day ( I used to exercise at 5 or 6am, but for some reason have been doing this program around 5pm this week. ) and be ready to go for the day.
Though the eating was hard and I am HUNGRY, I still just find myself choosing differently, and eating small 1/2 portions-except for dinner where I ate 1/2 of a meal I would normally eat. No afternoon iced vanilla coffee, and still no, and I mean zero oreos or ice cream. Shocking.

The first sets of jumping rope felt smooth, and 4 and 5 were filled with some trip ups..Moving to the grass tomorrow-as I have been doing on the cement :(
Thrilled ( if you can believe it ) that it was squats instead of lunges and my sit ups got a bit ( and I mean a bit better )

I'm not as clever as the rest of the group-and no fancy videos..though I am inspired to find some of lance..I do love watching him go..Once we are done with the prescribed PCP regime, and to echo Mike's comments on cooking and food prep-here is a favorite chef/blogger/photographer, Heidi Swanson of 101 Cookbooks.
Worth bookmarking and making her recipes. I hear they are truly Divine and are focused on incorporating natural ingredients.. Perhaps when we are done, I will spend the next 90 days learning how to master some of her creations as I have always wanted to cook with more frequency, and perhaps now really is a good time to make time for what matters.
All in all, a pretty good day.

Day Four Can Vs. Should

So as Patrick Predicted...I was starving ysday.
After a little conversation that I took hard for no reason ( the business of business is business )
my morning started off a bit off kilter. Perhaps over the next 90 days as well I can learn to take things less personally and be more direct. A few things helped me get back on track-and I am thankful for those..But by the end of the day, I was still feeling a bit badly, and choose to enjoy a 1/2 glass of wine. Now, as I mentioned, I was shocked by Patrick's day one email and the allowance of all that we might normally have. I think it did me well on a number of levels, and helped move into the program with more ease then I had planned. ( well done Patrick ! )
Now, while 1/2 glass of wine seems like nothing, you have to know that over the course of the last year-almost exactly, due to IVF and then our pregnancy-I did not drink...I must say as well-I really did not miss it. Gone were the days after a stressful day at work that my husband and I would split a bottle of wine. My head was clearer and I felt more energetic.

So, I wonder, Why did I want that wine so badly last night? My perception that it was an indulgence? The knowledge that I could? Well, as I woke in the middle of the night ( at 12:30 ,2 and for good at 5:30 to feed the girls) that 1/2 glass of heavy wine stayed with me..My thoughts this morning-Pretty simple

-Find an indulgence that you really enjoy ( not a short term boost be it chocolate, ice cream or wine..) For me, more like the time to read a magazine, a great bike ride, a trip to the spa ( this I am seriously contemplating..) a call with an old friend. Honestly, takes more thought as it is not a habit BUT so much more indulgent..

-Know the difference between CAN and SHOULD.

Off to do our day 4 routine-yesterday after all the info on jump roping, I totally found my rhythm. Set 4 and 5 got tripped up a bit as I was tired, but overall, pretty good. Push ups ( thanks to Mike's call out ) completed in the right form and right number, leg ups much better then earlier in the week. Rest periods as prescribed
Lunges super tough, my knees were sore and swollen a bit-feeling fine now..

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day Three

A pretty good day all around...EXCEPT for the sit ups. I can not believe how hard they are, and to be honest if what I am doing remotely resembles what Patrick would like us to do!

Off to a great start to the day this morning, taking care of something that felt really good to do. Whenever that happens, a great tone is set for the day. I actually took the summer off, and can not believe how much I am loving being home, catching up on life and connecting with friends and family outside of work. On the other hand, some days are hard, as I often set out a plan for myself which can often get a bit derailed. None the less, today was one of those days that just felt balanced with a knowledge that I prioritized a few things that were important, but that I was open to what other times of the day looked like.

In terms of the eating, I think I am doing a pretty good job with the 1/2 thing, though like Anshuman, sometimes I think I am giving myself credit for skipping something, and then doing the 3/4 thing with something else...The good news is I think because Patrick said it was ok, and I expected it not to be even in the first few days, the Oreo's are not calling out to me in the morning, and ice cream is not missing my standing date at the end of the day. I have often found in the past that once I start exercising even just a little, my body does not really want that stuff.

What struck me today, as I was jumping rope with my little girls watching me from their car seats...was that as I looked into their eyes that I found myself saying things like..we'll hike Yosemite together and climb half dome. I am not sure where that came from, but I think I was connecting with that knowledge that their are a life time of things we can do together and I want to be able to do them all.

Tomorrows challenge to myself is to stay as centered as I felt today..It truly was a gift and one that often escapes me. On a physical note, it is to master the sit up and keep jumping...

I loved the above when I saw it..and now can't remember where ( I AM SOO SORRY...)
thought it was relevant for today.

Also, just want to say that I so look forward to reading every one's posts and comments. They are inspiring, honest and do push me to do more. Thank you for taking the time..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day Two or I actually stopped and thought.

Woke up on a glorious summer Sunday in our new house, looking forward to coffee and the Sunday paper in our new that as I mentioned to the friends that came over today, feels like the Garden of Eden to me. As someone who grew up on the East Coast, and spent 15 years or more living in NYC, I can't believe we have grass, an orange tree, lemon tree, lime tree and apparently kumquats and pomegranates. ( Patrick, if you can work those into our program-I would be grateful. ) Seriously, to me, it is heaven.

The morning was great, though I learned that I should try and establish a regular time for the excercise program. I think on one hand I feel more connected to this program, and therefore have this confidence through the day that I of course will do as advised. But I realize like so many things, in the absence of a clear plan and vision, I spent more time coming up with times that would work in the day then I did completing the program itself.
So lesson 1, Make a plan. In this case, pick a regular time. Come up with one version for the days and weekends we have all the kids, and one version for the other times. Ideally, the early morning always works best for me as it sets the tone for the day. Bad news, my early morning is now a hell of alot earlier then ever before, the good news, I learned I need a lot less sleep then before. particualrly when I feel healthy and energetic.
For some reason, when it comes to work, I always have a plan, when it comes to taking care of myself...not so much.

Did some early morning hanging out, ate 1/2 of my sometimes weekend breakfast-a bagel w/cream cheese and a cheese stick as a snack, and proceed to run out and get the items on the list Patrick sent. Easy to follow ( though I am not sure about the Push up bars-I got some moving kind...) and fun that shopping was included as part of the program ( just kidding )
I was aware though again, of stopping and connecting with what I was doing, and surprised myself by getting the simple but effective versions of what was on the list. That may sound silly, or shallow but somehow I knew it was about what I was doing and not what I had to do it with...In the past, I have often thought I could buy my way into confidence, fitness, etc...Hmmm Lesson 2.

When I got back, some unpacking and then while my husband rested ( he was not feeling well )
got the girls ready and went outside to exercise.
I must say, had improved a lot on the jump roping. Not from a fitness perspective-I repeat, These are hard for me, but from a coordination standpoint, I found my rythym. No music yet ( I found a workout spot on the side of our house ) I was able to complete the first set of 50 with no stops. Felt good completing all 5 sets, though they got progressively harder, and the last set I tripped up a lot. Somehow though, midway through, I looked ahead again, and amongst a the trees and houses, at the base of the Saratoga hills, right in front of me, stands a tall, tall, tall redwood tree. I can't describe it, but today it became a metaphor. for there it stands, tall and proud, stable and unwavering. When I started to tire, in set number 3 or 4, I looked at it, and thought to myself-If I too can stand tall, and be proud, I will become my best self...

when our friends came over for dinner, made a fabulous grilled salad and ate 1/2 of what I would normally. Did not think about going to Starbucks ( perhaps the question of what 1/2 of a venti was too overwhelming to answer ! ) and was not tempted for the second night in a row to have any after dinner ice, I must be pausing for a minute and really asking myself if I want something, instead of out of habit, just indulging.

So now, after a full and fun day w/friends, I am off to bed. Would use the ladies room before I turn in, but I need to mention that when I do, my thighs hurt a bit!

Looking forward to tomorrow....and what it might bring

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day One...

Ok, so we have officially begun the journey.
Day one of PCP for our group, and for me personally I reminder of why I am doing this. When I saw Patrick's email late yesterday, I admit, I was a bit excited. Wondering and Intrigued by what we would be asked to do. Reading through it, I loved the fact that it was not about what we couldn't eat and a long list of excercises we had to do. Amused, as I had told one of the guys I love that works at our local Starbucks ( one that is located in a quaint town, on a half vacant street at the base of a really tough cycling climb ) that I was starting this program tomorrow. In for a piece of classic coffee cake that I had grown to love in the late days of my pregnancy and the early morning hours of these first few months as a mom I let him know that in the days and weeks to come, we would likely be seeing a lot less of each other.
For me, the night before then became so much about what choices I wanted to make, and really and more deeply connecting with all of this. In the past, when I have set ( what has clearly been a false goal ) a plan to eliminate the next day some food choices, or rev up an exercise program, if I start off on the wrong foot in the morning, it gets scrapped.
So, about today. I guess this is a long way of saying, I deeply connected and more truly connected with this mission. In the morning, choosing a sweet start to the day, but it was a smoothie with Acai and yogurt and not the usual coffee cake...continuing through the day it was mostly half portions of the normal choices, but I must admit, a handful of cashews, a cheese stick and no oreos and ice coffee...I will admit that there was the matter of "what is a 1/2 of a venti ice coffee with vanilla and half&half " My friend at Starbucks suggested a tall...I was pretty confident it was a grande..I am sure he was right, but alas, I'll do better tomorrow.

On the exercise front , I admit that after I did the prescribed excercises and struggled through doing the sit ups in particular, I went back and read Patrick's email again. Something about how "easy " some people might think week one was, was a humble reminder that I had gotten far away from a fit adult. I will admit, it felt quite good when I was done, and was reminded again how much better I feel when I push myself in any way.

And to ( a half ) a dinner with my husband.

PS. I am a visual had to post a picture of my inspiration to keep me motivated as well.
Patrick swaped out my stylish, shallow picture of Sandra Bullock for a more athletic version ( which, I do appreciate ! ) but for is one that I loved when I saw it.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The night before Christmas...and all through the house.

It's the night before Christmas...In all seriousness, I think as I sit here tonight, am more excited to start these 90 days then I even expected..As I took a walk with the girls earlier today, I thought again about how right this all feels. Not at all about what we are doing without, but more about becoming our best selves. As so many thoughts raced around my mind, I was both enjoying a summer stroll on a Friday evening ( back from picking up a bottle of wine to celebrate the move into our new house ) and looking forward to sitting down at the computer and connecting with my thoughts.
Funny enough, a few moments after we got home, I sat down with the girls in their seats in front of me. I had posted the title, and then, they woke up and were ready to eat much earlier then I planned. It was all clear, and out the window at the same time. With two beautiful girls starring up at me..I stopped and made them bottles..Feeding them I thought about how ironic it was. That yes, I was doing this so I could push myself to be my best, that I wanted to live a life with my husband and family that was long and active and that I wanted them to know and love a life of sport and activity. But much like I expect along the course of these 90 days, and life itself, things ( this brief time at the end of the day ) did not go according to plan. So as I fed them, and my husband walked through the door, I switched gears. Coming back to the computer hours later..My thoughts are the same. I am excited to do this. Scared to fail and desirous of seeing a part of myself I have not seen in awhile. The one that knows, and tells our 5 kids the only thing standing between can and can't is telling your self that you can. we go.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello People!

This is Amy's blog, she's gonna rock it right here!